November 2010 Meeting Theme was ” People Having Fun”
Ken Shapiro
Philip Bellefleur
Dotty Bellefleur
Chris Sheppard
Sherry Williamson
Kari Sheppard
Charmaine Martinez
Peter Lousberg
Gary Smith
Joann Devine
Sandy Thomas
Ernest Graetz
Benjamin Gieger
Lori Smith
Sonia Smith
Nils Sheppard
Jim Seaton
Prudy Olsen
Bob Boice
Mark Zielinski
Cheryl Anne Day-Swallow
Jill Graetz
John Schakel
Alex Spassoff
Tom Carnahan
Jim Swallow
Members that contributed to the meeting include:
Alex Spassoff - Benjamin Gieger - Bob Boice - Charmaine Martinez - Cheryl Anne Day-Swallow - Chris Sheppard - Dotty Bellefleur - Ernest Graetz - Gary Smith - Jill Graetz - Jim Seaton - Jim Swallow - Joann Devine - John Hartung - John Schakel - Kari Sheppard - Ken Shapiro - Lori Smith Mark-Zielinski - Nils Sheppard - Peter Lousberg - Philip Bellefleur - Prudy Olson - Sandy Thomas - Sherry Williamson - Sonia Smith - Tom Carnahan