2011 January Meeting Highlights Theme was ” In The Trees”
Gary Smith
Ernie Graetz
Jim Swallow
Many Bonewitz
Cheryl Anne Day Swallow
Jill Graetz
Bob Boice
Lori Smith
Peter Lousberg
Mark Zielinski
Carolyn Pavonetti
John Hartung
Janett Zarecki
John Sagert
Sherry Williamson
Sonia Smith
Jim Seaton
Dottie Bellefleur
John Schakel
Cindy Gieshen
Clyde Nabe
Philip Bellefleur
JoAnn Lousberg
Roy Colbert
Debbie Stubbs
Cheryl Porter
Alex Spassoff
Irwin Glazer
Benjamin Geiger
Carol Glazer
Members that contributed to the meeting are:
Alex Spassoff - Benjamin Geiger - Bob Boice - Carol Glazer - Carolyn Pavonetti - Cheryl Anne Day-Swallow - Cheryl Porter - Cindy Gieshen - Clyde Nabe - Debbie Stubbs - Dotty Bellefleur - Ernie Graetz - Gary Smith - Irwin Glazer - Janett Zarecki - Jill Graetz - Jim Seaton - Jim Swallow - Joann Lousberg - John Hartung - John Sagert - John Schakel - Lori Smith - Manny Bonewitz - Mark-Zielinski - Peter Lousberg - Philip Bellefleur - Roy Colbert - Sherry Williamson - Sonia Smith