The Theme for February 2010 was ” Black and White”
Mary Pat Mulligan
Jason Collin
Hans Mathre
Kari Sheppard
Cheryl Porter
Joe Tyrrell
Carolyn Pavonetti
Dotty Bellefleur
Bob Boice
Mark Zielinski
Chris Sheppard
Philip Bellefleur
Gary E Smith
Roy Colbert
Jim Swallow
Frank Crommelin
Chuck Platz
Debra Stubbs
Glen Desthers
Sherry Williamson
Jim Pennington
Elaine Larimer
Nils Sheppard
Tom Carnahan
John Sagert
Alex Spassoff
Sregey Zhidkov
Lori Smith
Members that contributed to the meeting are
Alex Spassoff - Bob Boice - Carolyn Pavonetti - Cheryl Porter - Chris Sheppard - Chuck Platz - Debbie Stubbs - Dotty Bellefleur - Elaine Larimer - Frank Crommelin - Gary Smith - Glen Desthers - Hans Mathre - Jason Collins - Jim Swallow - Jim Pennington - Joe Tyrrell - John Sagert - Kari Sheppard - Lori Smith - Mark-Zielinski - Mary Pat - Nils Sheppard - Phillip Bellefleur - Roy Colbert - Sherry Williamson - Sonia Smith - Sregey Zhidkov - Tom Carnahan -